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Stylish & Slow Adventuring – A Travel, Fashion and Lifestyle Yorkshire Blogger

I get wed this year!

January 6, 2014

Good afternoon on this cold, blustery, winters day. Whilst the weather outside would be enough to make even the Cheshire cat’s smile turn upside down I have other reasons to be happy. I get married this year. YES! I can finally say it, I get married to the man I have loved for 7 years this coming June. It could not feel anymore invigorating knowing that all our hard work/time/money will all come to almighty crescendo in exactly 5 months today.

I’ve been pinning AVIDLY since we got engaged in October 2012, so much so I’m in overload with the amount of ”repins” and ”likes” I get every day. I have exceeded over 7K worth of pins over the last year or so. Crazy, right? In fact I’ve just checked and in less that 5 hours I have another 48 notifications. I guess my style of wedding has all centred around being colourful & have been inspired by the vintage/retro/quirky looks of the modern day wedding. Whilst it won’t be a carbon copy I’ve been able to draw some exciting ideas from the magical world of Pinterest, where everyone can share ideas and post their own fairytale weddings for the whole world to see. Check out my inspiration so far – QueenBeady on Pinterest

I’m so excited mainly because everything has been handmade with love or friends/family have got involved with making it a stress free (& friendly on the purse strings!) event! My best friends in the run up to the big day have been eBay & Pinterest (have I mentioned I LOVE Pinterest? No? Surely I’ve told you already?) I have managed to bag 6 unique bridesmaid dresses and also my little flower girls dress too! Our house is slowly turning in to what can only be described as a ”hoarding hole” – we have been collecting jars of all shapes and sizes and we are slowly running out of space to store them. In fact, instead of writing this I should probably be boxing them up to store in the back bedroom (yeah right?) The jars will be the centre pieces for the table with beautiful garden flowers (James’ Aunty is going to help with this as she is an avid gardener!) to array them with & also vanilla scented tea lights. Everything is about looking like it’s just rolled up and hasn’t been forced? So many weddings these days are all about ”perfection” and to be quite frank, nothing is perfect so why make it that way? We are all about just sharing our love with the people we love dearly, nothing more, nothing less.

That brings me on to Rock & Roll Bride which I’ve read a few times but was drawn in to reading it again as one of my favourite bloggers BriarRoseBlog – Megan McMinnhas just had her & her now husbands wedding featured. It was magical and the photos are truly magnificent, they capture the day so wonderfully. Everything was decided by them and obviously let no rules or limitations get in their way & it turned out pretty swell by the looks of things. I love Rock & Roll Bride for the simple fact it does not succumb the social theorem of ”how a wedding should be” You should never told how to express your love for the simple fact no-one else knows. Only you & your significant other totally understand the inner depths of one another. So to hell with social convention, I think I might get piñata & ride a donkey into my wedding (am I brave enough to do that? Nah, I don’t think so!) but trust me everything on our special day will be relevant to just James & I! How unperfectly perfect is that?

Over the coming months I’ll be blogging a lot more about the plans for our wedding, in fact, I’ll probably bore you, so I kindly allow my readers to switch off….. NOW!

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