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Stylish & Slow Adventuring – A Travel, Fashion and Lifestyle Yorkshire Blogger

Autumn Colours | QueenBeady

September 25, 2014

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Hat C/O The Hut | Dress Zara | Tights Primark | Chelsea Boots Barratts

Autumn is truly upon us, the nights are drawing in, the conkers are starting to fall (albeit ALL OVER our garden – insert angry emoji face here!) and there is a brisk chill in the air that’s making me itch to throw on my tights!

I bought this brown skater style Zara dress from eBay (again, a steal at 99p. I don’t know how I do it either?!) back in the summer months, however it was just too thick a material for me to wear it on those warmer days. So of course with the onset of AW it was time to bring it out from the back of my wardrobe and give it an outing! As a ‘’Curvy Lolita’’ (Yes, I really do refer to myself as that!) I find it really hard to pull certain styles of clothing off. But there is something about the skater style that is very forgiving, more for the fact it hides my hips! It is a really comfy outfit that I could wear shopping in the Christmas run-up or to the office, a versatile piece!

Rebecca xxx

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