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Stylish & Slow Adventuring – A Travel, Fashion and Lifestyle Yorkshire Blogger

Be the Boss | QueenBeady

January 20, 2015

Be the boss

Do you ever have those moments where you just sit there & think “boy, I love my life” kinda times? I seem to going through one of those phases & I so desperately hope that it doesn’t end any time soon.

I spent a lot of time wallowing in self-pity after the wedding last year. I comfort ate, I never exercised so I just ballooned in weight. All that hard work for the wedding was in tatters. Sadly, I’m one of those types of people who never stick anything out. You know the type, the ones who jump on a bandwagon do it twice, maybe three times & then become bored so just give up. Whatever it was becomes a distant memory. 

I’ve been determined to keep being positive in 2015. It was one of those so-called “resolutions” that we all make on New Years. So far, so good. Okay, I’m not immune to an odd moan from time to time but generally I feel it am a happier person. 

So, what’s making you keep to your promise I hear you all ask? Well I will tell you if you really are keen to know.

At 25 I still haven’t passed my driving test. I am a sad, sorry state of affairs that relies on public transport (sob!) or the taxi of Mr C. Whilst it’s great to be driven around like a lady of leisure I most certainly don’t feel like one. So, after the kind donation of my Nana’s salmon pink corsa (she’s called Mavis don’t you know, so for the purposes of this post you will know who, sorry, what I am referring to!) So, on Sunday Mavis got her first test drive on the open road. No, not just on private land, an actual road with other passing cars tooting along next to me. I can’t tell you how wonderfully frightening it was but I got the taste of freedom (albeit Mr C was in the passenger seat keeping a mindful eye on matters.) I can’t believe, in fact, I hate to believe that I have gone so many years without driving. So, it is now my duty to make sure I pass my test this year & be my person without having to to rely on terrible timetables or my husbands schedule. 

Secondly, we
have finally joined a gym. For a mere £25 a month I can swim and gym to my heart’s content. And it’s not just me doing it, Mr C is coming along for the ride too (hey, you see what I did there right?) After being told by the doctors that in order for his back to get better he must swim & gym up to three times a week. Whilst he drives me nuts with his “Come on get a jog on” comments and the “you go first & I will follow” orders, secretly I am super happy that he’s joining me. It means we can both get fit together & it gets us out of the house too. In the meantime I am dropping the lbs (or at least I hope I am!) to a newer, slimmer & more toned me. I can’t wait to see my results in the next few weeks! 

Thirdly, I’m just enjoying life. The things I previously disliked would not have even been sniffed at, but now I am learning to just accept things. Those who know me or know of my rambling “about me” I proclaim to dislike cats. Well, for Xmas the father in law bought mother in law a kitty cat much to her delight (& to my horror!) after weeks of squirming when it came near me or tried to touch me I decided to finally pluck up the courage to stroke her. And in return I got a nice little lick on my finger and then a playful claw to it. I exclaimed “You little shit!” I smiled and it actually hugged my arm. According to my mother in law I’m the only person she comes to. So maybe this cat-hating devil lady (yes, that is me) may have thawed over & decided that she may have a little hole in her life that can be filled with some kitty love….

Life is kinda funny right? I have read some truly beautiful posts recently from Megan at Wonderful–You and it made my heart bleed, but all the same empowering. Accepting things in life sounds like a cowards way out but in truth, it’s accepting it & how we deal with circumstances that slowly makes us a better person. I’ve finally come to realise that. I’m a twenty-five year old woman (yes, a woman) and try as I might I have carved my own little life for myself, there is no point trying to change things drastically. Just be a better person, doing things that make you happy with you & who you actually are! I’m finally taking back some of my self-worth & I’m on that path to ”Be the Boss” of my happiness. 

Rebecca xxx

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