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Stylish & Slow Adventuring – A Travel, Fashion and Lifestyle Yorkshire Blogger

I am a Blogger, but I am none of these | QueenBeady

July 25, 2014

Contrary to popular belief not all bloggers are clones & drones of the mass marketed brand demons. We say what we feel, we do what we want and we enjoy writing about it all on the World Wide Web. We are a strong set of individuals who have the time to share our inner most thoughts, our wardrobes, hints & tips all for the love of writing and the subject we are passionate about.

That’s where I think a lot of my blogging similarities end.

I’m probably going to get shouted at & berated for the below but here goes;

1) Cats. I dislike them. End. I never have and never will like them, if you find me professing my love for cats you will most likely find me a) on drugs or b) lying in a ditch somewhere and some imposter has taken over my blog. I have no desire to wear clothes covered in cats. I am a self confessed DAWG LOVER, nothing will ever change that…. (Unless someone was waving a million pounds in my face, I may change my stance!)

2) I just heard “Let it go” being played in my next door neighbours house & do you know what I wanted to do? Guess. Go on. I think you are quite warm there. You guessed it. I wanted to rip my FRICKING ears off. Don’t get me wrong I adore Disneyland & it’s happy go lucky atmosphere but seriously, the pandemic of Frozen needs to stop before we all go insane. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t see someone professing their love for the animated film! I would like to point out that the Frozen DVD is not on my Christmas list this year & I will not take kindly to it being in my Santa’s Sack!

3) I have no desire for make up. I end up looking like a clown, it’s a pain in the arse when you are melting in this heat & I have no idea what makes a good lipstick or mascara? If someone wants to enlighten me then please feel free but you will not catch me giving you make up tutorials on YouTube anytime soon.

4) I have no idea what I am doing. I write what I feel like, whether it be something I love or like in this post, have no inclination for. I ask the same question on twitter all the time “what da fffff does self hosting mean?” and no matter how many times someone tries to explain it still does not go in. So, for the foreseeable future my blog will stay ugly if that’s ok with you?

5) I don’t have a wild, exciting London-esque lifestyle. In fact I’m pretty boring. I live in a little house in the countryside and I wake up every morning, go to work (which I must add is not freelancing/fashion/beauty related) come home, cook tea, talk to the husband, go to bed and then you guessed it? Repeat it all over again. Eat, sleep, rave, repeat. It’s that simple.

I’d like to add that in no way, shape or form are my opinions right or correct on any of the above matters. I am most definitely NOT HATIN’ on you if you like or do any of the above. But I wanted to express that the above just ain’t me & never will be. I thought you might just “like to know.”

I want you to know me. Warts & all. That’s just the kinda gal I am.

I can promise you a few things though that I will be or do if you’ve still stuck around to the end of this blog post (and if you have, thank you!)

If you fart I will turn my nose up at you laugh, I will always make a good cup of tea, I will always sing along to songs in a stupid voice, I will always be a VERY good judge of character, my love for shit constructed reality tv will never fade, my love for my husband will grow everyday, I will probably lead a normal life till I am old, I will always love eBay and have a passion for a bargain, no I will not think your child is cute when it’s being a little shit, I will be moody, I’ll be happy, I will have ups and I will have downs.

But I will always be me, little old blogging me.

Rebecca xxx

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