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Stylish & Slow Adventuring – A Travel, Fashion and Lifestyle Yorkshire Blogger

Unexpected Hiatus | QueenBeady

September 10, 2014

If you are reading this, thank you. It means that you have clicked on my blog after weeks of no posts. My blog went mute. So did my brain.

Despite having lots of amazing posts about the music sets I saw at Lees Festival and the wonderful summer, I just haven’t been able to put finger to keyboard and write. A lot of bloggers talk about how they go on a break from their blog and how it gives them that well deserved break and detox that they oh so need. In the past I have taken a couple of days to re-group and get my thought process back together but it seems I took a little longer this time. I’m not sure if it’s the alcohol/dreamy daze that I have been in since Leeds Festival, but I think it goes back a bit pre-festival than that.

I was writing a lot of Fashion Posts. I asked myself, why on earth would anyone be bothered to read about my style and look at the photos I had posted. I think I felt a little stupid, if I am quite honest. Almost a little naive. The time it took working out my ”styled looks”, taking the photos, loading them on to the computer, deciding which 2 out of 50 photos made the cut, then writing and scheduling. It was all becoming a bit of a chore. I have never wanted blogging to feel like that so I decided it was best to just take a hiatus from all things in the blogosphere. Not just the blog, but my social media output too. I have been a lot quieter than usual on twitter and not promoting my blog for a little while, which a few of you had noticed.

Most non-bloggers won’t understand how much time, effort and pain goes in to writing blogs. If you are a non-blogger and take offence to that comment I sincerely apologise but seriously, it really is a long process to get our words out to you! Also, some bloggers will read this and roll their eyes ”one of them?” they will probably say. But we all hit a wall at some point. We are not perfect and sometimes you just need a little down time to yourself.

As I’m writing this, I’m happy. It feels like I’m talking from the heart and not forcing anything out that isn’t required because I’m not really having to think too hard about what I want to say. It feels natural. That is how blogging should feel.

Anyone feeling this way I urge you to just shut down blogspot/wordpress and stop tapping on your phone. If your blog is going to stand the test of time, people will still follow you. Hey, my blog has still received about 30 followers on blog lovin and I haven’t wrote diddley squat for weeks. At the end of it all your true readers will be there still and all things will pick up again when you have given yourself that time. Just don’t forget about you along the way.

I make no apologies for leaving my blog for a little while and neither should you. Expect better writing and posts from me, especially now the nights are drawing in with Autumn on our doorstep.

Lastly, thank you to those who are still reading this.

Rebecca xxx

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