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Stylish & Slow Adventuring – A Travel, Fashion and Lifestyle Yorkshire Blogger

Breaking a Habit of a Lifetime | QueenBeady

January 2, 2015


”I’m too cold.”

”My head hurts.”

”God, this house is such a mess.”

I probably utter these words a thousand times a day. I’m a complainer. I have to face facts & accept it. Or should I? I’m never one for making New Years resolutions, simply because I know that I will break them. I’m not much of a rule breaker. I’m terribly boring. But I saw a little anecdote on Pinterest about complaining. It said, ”Go a full 24 hours without complaining and you’ll be amazed at how your life will improve.” I sighed when I read it because I knew this was me. I need to have a complaining ban. I need to be more positive. So no, I won’t just accept it, I’m going to make myself a better person by being more positive. When my head hurts I will go take a paracetomol and ride it out & no-one will ever know. When it’s cold I will put a heater on & warm myself up, no-one will ever know. When the house is a mess, I will get up (off my fat arse! That’s another NY resolution that needs work!) and do a bit of tidying, no-one will ever know I’m miffed.

You see a theme here? It’s all about doing & making those positive, tiny steps to get you out of that ”Negative Nelly” rut. I’ve gone in to 2015 knowing we had a fabulous year and it’s very hard to beat a year where you married the love of your life/soulmate but why can’t 2015 be even better.

This year is all about creating memories, being whimsical and spontaneous. Laughing till my sides hurts, sharing amazing days outs & travelling the world with the man I love. It’s all terribly soppy but I feel I’ve been terribly guarded this last year or so. It’s time to start living & enjoying the now.

I hope wherever you were saying goodbye to 2014 you were happy & that is all that will ever matter.

Rebecca xxx

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