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Stylish & Slow Adventuring – A Travel, Fashion and Lifestyle Yorkshire Blogger

Life’s Biggest (Non) Secret | QueenBeady

February 4, 2015


Guys, I’m going to let you in to a little secret here. It appears not many people know it. The truth of the matter is; you are in control of your happiness. There I said it. You’ll see on my blog recently that I (preach) talk about how I have finally taken control of my lifestyle which ultimately is making me a much happier person. I’ve conquered my wallowing in self-pity post-wedding & I’m doing things that I have meant to do for the last, eight years. Eight whole years. That is a long time. A long, long time to finally take charge. I don’t know if it’s blogging/connecting with some really inspiring minds that has given me a view to just seize the day. If it’s the fact that my pay packet is allowing me to do some of the things I regrettably wouldn’t have been able to do in my past employment or the fact that I’m really secure in my marriage. But what I do know is that a whole host of things have culminated in me going in to 2015 with a much more open mind. I think once you start rooting around you’ll realise that you can be the maker of whatever you want & that is a fabulous feeling.

So, what does make me happy?

1.) Blogging. It is corny & it is cheesy but blogging has really pushed me to do something I have always loved and that is to write. It might be absolute tosh, but all the same, it makes my day that I have possibly connected with someone just from my thoughts and words!

2.) My husband. Again, it’s the biggest ”cheese on toast” statement of them all. But, he is my rock, my everything really. He’s not the most romantic guy in the world (if you ever marry a Farmers Son don’t expect roses!) but when he has those moments I know he truly means it.

3.) Spring. I love it when the nights start to get lighter, its lambing time down on the farm, the daffodils are starting to sprout. Everything is coming back to life after a bleak few months of winter.

4.) Shopping. My online shopping addiction is fast becoming one of my favourite things. It gives you that chance to mmm & ahhh over what to buy without all the frantic shoppers pushing you around.

5.) Alone time. Sometimes it is just nice to have day at home chilling out on your own. PJ’s, DVD on & a cup of tea. Spending time alone is seriously undervalued. No make up, no effort. It’s one of life’s little guilty pleasures.

6.) Travel. I love holidays and heading abroad. Who doesn’t like to seek sunnier climates (oh, unless you’re my father in law) I want to travel the world & I want to do it with the people I love. I really need to start saving once I have passed my driving test so I can finally visit those places on my to-do list.

7.) My beautiful family. After my granddad’s health scare last year, I will never ever take my family for granted. A dear friend of mine has just lost her granddad & it breaks my heart because we were so close and teetering on that tight rope last year. Always make time for your family.

8.) Learning new things. It’s so great to open your mind to things you might never have really thought about, decided to do or better yet learn from someone else. Every day you discover more & more about yourself and the world. Don’t be afraid to open your mind up to those things!

9.) Music. Music makes the world go round (is that the saying?) I love going to gigs & festivals, my dream would be to be part of corporation that puts together big festivals like Glastonbury & Leeds Festival. Music can trigger a whole range of emotions.

10.) Life itself. We were put on this earth to make babies and keep civilisation on a constant repeat. Lap it up. Enjoy your however many years you are here, by laughing, loving, enjoying, playing, partying, indulging and being all round awesome. I am starting to say YES to so much more now and I’m not looking back!

There is no key to it, there are no set rules it’s just all about the simple pleasures in life that can invigorate the body & mind. What one person might find enjoyable, another may detest! My monthly #HappySelves chat took place on Monday & it was so invigorating to see people join in & spread positivity. Everyone instilled it in themselves and they did that without tearing one another down. Isn’t that just a wonderful thing? There are days that you wish you could be someone else, or do things that someone else has the privilege to do. But do you know what I would not change my life for all the tea in china.

Have you felt inspired recently?  Or had one of those long-awaited epiphany’s?

Rebecca xxx

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