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Stylish & Slow Adventuring – A Travel, Fashion and Lifestyle Yorkshire Blogger

My Favourite Thought Provoking Posts of the Week | QueenBeady

March 6, 2015

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I’ve never really created a ‘’ My Favourite Reads’’ post before, sure I have a ‘’Blogs I love’’ section, but if I could I’d have you all there. These type of posts I’ve noticed, are a great way to show your appreciation for some of the many talented bloggers out there that continuously pave the way in the blogging world. A good post makes you ask questions, inspires you to be a better person and ultimately can make you feel warm & fuzzy inside. With Spring on our doorstep this is when I start to feel a wave of creativity and inspiration come over me. So, here are a just a select few posts that I have enjoyed reading this week…

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  1. Scarlett London’s recent blog post entitled ‘’Top 10 Reasons Why You Are GOOD Enough!’’ got me really thinking. Everyone has self worth, and we are all equal. Just push hard for your goals and you will get there! With hard work & determination no-one will stop you. Just remember you long the way though.


  1. Zoe London’s look back on her 5 years of blogging, read ithere, is as inspiring as it is raw. It proves that you do have to work hard, you are going to have setbacks every now & then. Life doesn’t come easy, but what it does do is give you balls. Balls to be a better person. Happy Bloggiversary, keep on inspiring many others, quirks & all.


  1. India did a fantastic post this week about ‘’How Not to Interact with Bloggers’’. Being a blogger is great for creating newly-formed friendships, some of which I have found invaluable. No getting on high horses in this post, just a few little tips on how manners don’t cost a thing!


  1. I’m constantly falling off the diet & fitness bandwagon and I really need to try a lot harder being consistent. Hazel’s most recent post about #ThisGirlCan inspired me that it’s not always about the pounds dropping off, it’s about how you feel afterwards. It’s making me want to slip my nikes on ago for a run! Everyone can do it, if you put your mind to it.


  1. Last but not least, I’m introducing you to Holly. Holly is actually a life long friend who recently started a blog. The reason I chose Holly’s post is not just because she write’s brilliantly, it’s also because what she is talking about really resonates something in me. I got married at 24 and have been with the love of my life for the last 8 years. He is my rock & I rely on him so much and vice versa. This doesn’t make me a weak person, nor does it mean that I’m not a feminist. I like playing the role of wife, and he, husband. There is nothing wrong with that. I believe in equality but that doesn’t mean you have to burn your bra’s and start learning how to change a tyre or a light bulb to prove that ‘’you don’t need a man!’’ Because you do, we were put here on earth to pro-create. Read Holly’s post here!

Have you read something you have really enjoyed recently? Or that has really inspired you? I’d love to hear from you.

Rebecca xxx

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