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Stylish & Slow Adventuring – A Travel, Fashion and Lifestyle Yorkshire Blogger

Pinnacle Moments in Blogging | QueenBeady

December 5, 2014

Grazia Daily


Do you ever ask yourself ”what is the best thing about blogging?” or ”what am I most proud of on my blog?” I suppose for me when I first got a few subscribers who would take time out of their own day to comment on my blog. That’s pretty neat. Then you start hitting milestones on BlogLovin, Twitter and Blog Subscribers. You watch the numbers increase day by day & it’s pretty cool that someone is interested in what you have to say. I don’t think it is something I’ll ever get over.

Next thing you know, PR companies & brands are contacting YOU directly asking if you’d like to try out new products/clothes/food and more because they feel your opinion matters and they trust YOU to do a good job. It’s a pretty surreal thing for just a ”hobby.”

But, then you get on to the big boys. People who want to feature YOU on their own blog or their own website. To me it’s a total ”WOW” moment. Not least when I found out that my Pinterest & Blog had been featured on none other than Grazia Daily as one of 5 pinners to follow for NYE inspiration. I’m a huge fan of pinterest (as you all probably know!) and could spend hours whiling away the time, with a hot mug of tea & my knee high socks on just scrolling through the pretty images that appear. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the tweet pop up that I had been featured in such a well-known fashion magazine. It’s an extraordinary feeling.

It’s only a short blog post, but, I have had a profound moment. I genuinely feel that my blog is going in a direction I want it to. I have all my social media platforms supporting the blog just as well & I am so happy in the knowledge that I can go in to 2015 with a massive grin on my face down to the amazing opportunities that my blog is giving me.

Little old me is doing just fine & I am so so so so happy.

Rebecca xxx

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*Image from Grazia Daily website.

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