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Stylish & Slow Adventuring – A Travel, Fashion and Lifestyle Yorkshire Blogger

Life & Fitness Overhaul | QueenBeady

May 10, 2015


Missguided Sportswear

You know when I had a ‘’quarter life crisis’’ last year, well, I think I have had as secondary follow up to that crisis recently. I decided that if I couldn’t look good at 25, when will I? This then prompted me to download the #30dayabchallenge & #30daysquatchallenge and get eating my vegetables. My moods are so up & down, to the point where I genuinely think I have something wrong with me. Yes, a little overboard I know. I never really thought about the lack of activity or lack of healthy food I was eating. I sit on my bottom all day, 5 days a week. It’s not exactly a quick passage to losing weight. So that was that, rather than munch on a rather large tuna and cheese panini every day (followed by crisps and chocolate..) I started bringing home made salads to work. Not only was I eating healthily, I was actually saving a shit-tonne of money too.

My best friend has been feeling pretty down in the dumps too, so we both decided to take up swimming again like we did a few years ago. Twice a week we don our swimsuits and max out over 40 lengths and you know what? I feel fan-bloody-tastic for it.

Every day I can’t wait to do my exercise, to roll out my gym mat and get hot and sweaty with crunches and planks. It’s the first time I’ve stuck to a healthy eating plan and exercise regime for longer than a week and it feels pretty damn good seeing my body transform. For years I have looked at my body and never felt 100%. For someone who is a confident and bubbly, my body has often left me feeling disheartened.

I’m not weighing myself. I hear you ask, how do you know you are losing weight? Well, instead I’m measuring myself. Seeing the centimetres go down every few days is so much more rewarding than waiting to see if you have lost at best, a single lb at your weekly weigh-in.

To tempt myself to keep it up, I put my fingers in my purse and purchased some lovely gym gear along with some fab Nike trainers to really encourage myself to push myself everyday. It’s hard work, but I feel myself getting stronger every time I do extra sit ups each day.

If you are struggling, it only takes one person to inspire you. It was Rinica from Rinica Writes Blog that made me push myself a little more, seeing her results were great and made me want to follow in her footsteps. Then I had a lovely message from Mary at Strike A Pose saying I had inspired her! It was great that this fitness regime was acting like a domino effect and making people get off their bottoms and getting out and being active. I think that is one powerful thing.

So if you are feeling down in the dumps, just like I was, I urge you get out, join a gym, buy yourself a yoga mat and do the squat and ab challenges like I have in the comfort of your own home, buy a fitness DVD, put on your running shoes and explore your local area with a swift run. Just do something & you won’t look back.

Rebecca xxx

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