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Stylish & Slow Adventuring – A Travel, Fashion and Lifestyle Yorkshire Blogger

How I Relax | QueenBeady

April 14, 2016

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Everyone knows that life can start to get in the way. I know I have been living life at a fast pace recently and it’s hard to know when to stop. It take it’s toll on your body and when I start getting ulcer upon ulcer on my tongue I know I need a bit of a time-out. There’s a few things that I have been adding in to my daily routine recently. For many of you, like myself, social media and keeping up to date with it is a massive part of society now. I never have my phone more than a metre away from me, which is pretty sad and not only that; it’s exhausting. I’ve been trying to figure out ways that my body can relax without technology getting in the way.

I love nothing more than getting lost in a book. For me, it’s like escapism. I’d always have a book on the go without fail and I realised that I hadn’t read a book in a very long time when I went on holiday. I read two books, from front to back, whilst holidaying on Madeira Island. It was blissful. For me, getting to know the characters inside out, living perfect/twee/quaint/fun lives is captivating. I know they aren’t real so don’t get jealous twinges whenever something good happens. I enjoy it and feel like I am celebrating with them.

I love a good face mask. I apply it and for those 15 minutes I know I cannot possibly do anything in fear of getting it everywhere around the house. That means for that short period of time, I sit back and relax. At the end I have suitably softer skin too, it’s a win/win situation.

For me, I shut down when I’m watching or doing something that is really simple. Something that I don’t have to really think about. That tends to be various TV programmes that make me laugh or require very little thought process. Of course, Gossip Girl, 90210 and Pretty Little Liars are all at the top of the list (albeit the latter was sometimes a little hard to keep up!) At the moment Mr C & I have been really enjoying Plebs, The 100 (however, this does require some brain power!) and Bear Grylls – The Island. TV at the moment is really good.

Last year Adult Colouring In books became very popular and still reign supreme! For me, when I’m colouring I actually concentrate so much better. I’m so aware of what is going on around me – it’s bizarre. My concentration levels reach an all time high, sometimes I find colouring in during my lunch break helps me get refocused for the afternoon ahead.

We are so lucky with where we live with gorgeous countryside surrounding us, not to mention the fact my in-laws have a farm that has a beautiful beck running through it. Being at one with nature makes me feel a little “free-er” and completely relaxed. Fresh air never does anyone any harm and for me it’s a perfect remedy to clear away the cobwebs.

This sounds absolutely ridiculous as going to the gym is totally the opposite of resting. However, I’ve found that I get my best night’s sleep when I have been working out at the gym or going swimming. I get a full, uninterrupted nights sleep and I’m so much more relaxed when doing so. It sounds crazy, but it works for me.

How do you relax?

Bee xxx

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