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Stylish & Slow Adventuring – A Travel, Fashion and Lifestyle Yorkshire Blogger

A Tribute to those we have Loved & Lost | QueenBeady

March 12, 2015



Nine times out of ten, loss is involuntary. It’s not something you wish to go through but at some point you are going to be put the motions. I mean, you don’t lose your phone or money on purpose now do you?

Yesterday we said goodbye to my Grandad Alf. He wasn’t my Grandad by blood but with my Dad taking me on as his own when I was only 3 I also got a brand spanking new family complete with Nana, Grandad, Aunties, Uncles & Cousins too. I was very lucky that I’d been given another chance to have another family support unit, one that was filled with love.

My fondest memories are of Nana & Grandad taking us to the local pantomime at the Working Men’s Club up the road. It was a family occasion, one where all the grandchildren would get together and laugh, play and join in. Oh, and vie for our Grandparents attention as well. There were quite a lot of us and nothing made them prouder than our achievements & being able to share each one with them too. I’m so glad that Grandad could be with us on our wedding day, despite him pushing through the pain & soldiering on. His service was a Humanist Ceremony, he wasn’t one for believing God. But I do hope that he is somewhere looking down on us & guiding us through the rough and the smooth parts of all ours lives.

It’s always difficult to say goodbye to someone & I very rarely have had to do it but it breaks your heart each time you are put through those circumstances. For me seeing my Dad carry his Father’s coffin was what brought me my next set of tears. It pained me to see him be so brave despite the perpetual pain he was & still is feeling. He kept it together for everyone & I wish that one day I can be as brave and courageous as he is. I couldn’t help but fling my arms round him & will continue to do that every time I see him till we are both grey & old. He has been my Dad through thick & thin, yes we’ve had our ups & downs, but what family doesn’t? I always stand by the quote ”Any man can make a baby, but it makes a real man to BE a father.” My Dad should be very proud of that.

What I really want to say is seize the day, live life to the fullest & make sure that you live a life you are proud of. Do it for you. You owe yourself a wondrous life. Know right from wrong & love those dearly that you hold closest to your heart. And with every solitary tear you my weep for those that are no longer with us, remember them fondly and smile.

Rebecca xxx

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