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Stylish & Slow Adventuring – A Travel, Fashion and Lifestyle Yorkshire Blogger


June 5, 2017

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

Top Topshop (similar) | Jeans New Look (similar) | Shoes Miss Selfridge (similar) | Watch Larsson & Jennings | Photos by Leigh Travers

For a long time I’ve found myself a bit of a “half empty” kinda person. As much as I hate to admit it, I’m always living on the edge of caution. Worrying about the “ifs” and the “buts” and the “oh my goodness, something terrible will happen if we do this.” To be honest, sometimes it’s pretty draining to be in my own head. That’s why this Summer I’m trying to make a habit of getting myself out of that little rut I have found myself in. I recently went to Blog At The Beach with icelolly.com and Jen Lowthrop presented a talk on “doing fun things when we work full time and releasing our inner fun.” It really opened my eyes to the kinds of possibilities that would turn me more in to the “half full” kinda gal I wanna be!

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Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

1. Start looking for the Positives in the Negatives
Easier said than done right? But, it really doesn’t have to be. I realised that I was struggling when I ate gluten, and although the prospect of not eating sandwiches again could almost make me gasp in horror, I just went out and bought gluten free bread and loaded up on my sandwich fix that way. Rather than dwelling on something why not try start finding solutions in sticky situations to focus your energy in to something much more positive. Happy thoughts = Happy minds.

2. Grab your friends round for a bevvy or two!
There’s nothing like meeting up with friends, be it in your local pub/bar or at a friends house to embrace new thoughts and ideas. When I surround myself with creative, fun people I find that positivity suddenly starts radiating from my face instantly. After spending time with lots of gorgeous faces this weekend, including the gorgeous Leigh, inspiration struck. After feeling low about my blog for some time, being with these kinds of people instantly made me feel more engaged to create new content (that is now buzzing away in my head.) Armed with a glass of Cherry Lambrini* in hand, which by the way, has to be the most summeriest, tastiest, most drinkable beverage to grace this earth, the memories of amazing summers spent come flooding back! Get discussing new topics and start sharing your stories with one another, it’s hard not to start feeling “Half Full” (no pun intended!)

I almost apologise for my own existence about a 1 trillion times a day (no exaggeration, I promise.) I’ve figured that I really need to stop doing this. It’s time to realise that my presence, opinions or any offerings I can give to the world, may actually benefit someone in the long run. It might not always feel great (and it’s so terribly British of us to down play ourselves) but coming to embrace yourself with any flaws you might have is a great place to start with feeling happier in life.

I’m not gonna lie, I’ve seriously begun to think I’m a little bit crazy but it is okay to not always have a brighter outlook on life. It is normal to not see the happier side of things from time to time and so long as you can start see the wood from the tree’s things will get better, and easier. Just remember than when you are starting to feel this way, reach out to others, create more fun in your life and remember to say yes to things that might just scare you a little.

You never know what wonderful things are round the corner…


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*This post was in collaboration with Lambrini (and I ain’t gonna lie, it is very yummy!) But please do always drink responsibly!

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