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Stylish & Slow Adventuring – A Travel, Fashion and Lifestyle Yorkshire Blogger

AD 5 things to consider when choosing a nursery for your child

January 24, 2023

5 things to consider when choosing a nursery for your child

When we put our little girl in nursery, I want to make sure we’ve made the right decision right at the beginning so that we don’t have to pull her out to start the process all over again. We want it to be where she goes from her first days & that it is also a nursery for toddlers aged 2 and beyond!

Here are 5 things to consider when choosing a nursery for your child.

Proximity to our workplaces

A big one for us is being able to get to the nursery at a drop of a hat or if there was an emergency. I am always erring on the edge of caution (perhaps a little too much sometimes) but the idea that I couldn’t get to my baby girl within 10 minutes maximum would really have me on edge.

Not only that, having to drive up and down the Dale to reach a nursery before heading to work would add some serious time on to your morning routine and time is precious.

The old saying of failing to prepare, is preparing to fail.

Montessori Style playing & learning

Perhaps I’m a little old school here. Yes, plastic toys have some reverance in a child’s life, but the idea of wooden toys so they can really explore and play imaginary games with them is something that my A* Child Development GCSE brain loves the idea of. The premise of it all is that these style of nurseries are set up so that children are in an environment that has been prepared to enable them to do things for themselves. Children learn better this way.

The people

I am a thousand percent sure, that a huge part of choosing a nursery are the people who your child will be left with. I want to know that they are in capable, but also loving hands whilst we aren’t with our little girl. It would be so wonderful to hear all their exciting stories of the day that they’ve had with their own nursery work each day. I think it would be a really good indicator that you’ve chosen the right nursery for your little one if that’s the case.

Mealtime options

Good food is a big thing for me. When we start weaning and going on to solids I want to know that good ingredients are being used. I learnt a lot during my gestational diabetes diagnosis. Most of us know that lots of processed food isn’t great, but my experience opened my eyes up to the nutritional values in all sorts of food and the damage some of it can do to our bodies. For us, knowing she is going to eat healthily is a big thing when choosing a nursery.

Outdoor space

A big benefit would be that a nursery we choose has plenty of outdoor space for them to grow in to. It’s been proven that spending time outdoors in nature has a huge improvement on our mental wellbeing. It’s a massive thing for me that our little girl gets that time outside!

What are your tips for choosing a nursery for your little human?


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